Thursday, September 24, 2020

My view... 2020-09-24-0001



  1. So many suckers and losers… thank God there's one born every minute... and, thank God, that He made "Li’l Donnie” the "Chosen One" to teach all those losers about alternative facts, where lies will always triumph over the truth, if you just believe in Trump...!

  2. It looks like "Li'l Donnie" is done here, at least for the moment... so it's time for "Li'l Barr-Barr" to go lick clean his master's rear end before he dumps on America again.

  3. Don't worry... Mitch or Lindsey have got "Li'l Barr-Barr's" rear end covered...!

  4. Looks like Mitch or Lindsey didn't show up... so "Li'l Barr-Barr" is going to have to scooch is own rear end across the White House lawn, if he wants to hide what he's been doing to the Constitution... although some crap can never be removed... and in Barr's case, the smell will always remain, regardless, long after he's gone.
