Tuesday, September 22, 2020

My view... 2020-09-22-0001



  1. You know, when you're a big star, the women let you do it...! Besides it's, "The Donald", so why would they say no? Who could say no to God's gift to perfection?

  2. The 50's pop stars, "Don and Mitch and the Misogynists" and their greatest hit on women:

    It's down to us, oh yeah
    The way she talks when she's spoken to
    Down to us, the change has come
    She's under our thumbs
    Yeah, it feels alright...

  3. Helen Reddy, 25 October 1941 - 29 September 2020, Rest In Peace... https://youtu.be/br26Kj5C4T4
