Monday, March 30, 2020

My view... 2020-03-30-0001


  1. Let us pray... or is that prey..?

    Welcome to Trump's "Church of the Tax Exempt Easter, (Playboy), Bunny", where only money can bring you salvation and lead you to the land of promises made/promises paid for. Now get back to work America or die trying... and don't forget to leave your 401-K's to "The New Trump Charities" c/o The Cayman Islands.

    [Note: All Donations to “The New Trump Charities” are tax exempt… for those of you outside the Trump organization that pay taxes

  2. "Li'l Donnie" was offered 30 pieces of silver to let Jesus out of quarantine early but Trump only takes GOLD! So, it looks like Jesus is stuck in quarantine until at least April 30th, unless Trump changes his mind again... then who knows how long he will keep him. O.K., we all know... until "Li'l Donnie" gets 30 pieces of GOLD! Come on America... praise Lord Trump and pass the collection plate.
