Thursday, March 26, 2020

My view... 2020-03-26-0001


  1. Above and beyond the call of duty? What a guy... what a man... what a president...? Who needs masks, when you can use a tissue!

  2. Remember, it's a "Trump Tissue"... they're guaranteed by "li'l Donnie" himself! If you can't trust Trump, who can you trust?

  3. From paper towels to toilet paper and now Trump Tissues, it looks like "Li'l Donnie" has got this COVID-19 thing covered. Now, he only needs to explain to a nation, eager for information and guidance, how to use his miracle cure... and where to stick them! Although, most Americans already know where they would like to stick them... "butt" don't look now Donnie, as America is behind you on this one, 100%.

  4. Brownie... oh, sorry, I mean Orangie you're doing a heck of a job! A HECK OF A JOB!
