Tuesday, February 25, 2020

My view... 2020-02-25-0001


  1. One hundered thousand people show up to see Trump in India. That's 0.0075% of India's population. It’s kind of like holding a handful of sand, while standing in the middle of a desert and saying; HEY, LOOK AT ME, LOOK WHAT I HAVE HERE! Then claiming an additional ten million more "invisible" people, were lining the streets just to see him drive by. Now that's what "Li'l Donnie" calls a yuuugh crowd... and who are we to question his perception of crowd sizes, when we really should be questioning how much sand his little hand could hold in the first place.

  2. Talk about not being able to see the forest for the trees! I guess if you look directly at the sun first and then squint your eyes, just so, "Li'l Donnie" could see ten million people that weren't there. SELF AGGRANDIZING MORON!
