Tuesday, February 4, 2020

My view... 2020-02-04-0001


  1. Thanks "Li'l Kim"... and make sure you thank Vlad and Xi, too, for messing with the Democrats in Iowa. That was you guys... right? Trump owes you one. Actually, he owes you a lot more... and "Li'l Donnie" thought the elections were going to be rigged. WINNING... so much WINNING ahead!

  2. Remember... when the King does it, it's not illegal. GET OVER IT!

  3. Hey "Li'l Kim"; taking care of the 3%... do you mean like perfume poisonings or re-education camps or your favorite method, anti aircraft guns? "Li'l Donnie" wants to know, so he can get pre-approval from "Li'l Billy Barr-Barr" and the G.O.P., before he tries one of those methods. Remember, he doesn't want to lose any voters. Although, he now knows he wouldn't get impeached for it, thanks to Mitch and his gang of corrupt and gutless Republican Senators. Besides, he can always pardon himself, if he has to. All kidding aside, how should Trump take care of the 3% that didn't vote for him or should he just attack them with his typical bullying and cheap shot, "projection", smear campaigns, like the little coward he is?
