Wednesday, April 24, 2019

My view... 2019-04-24-0001


  1. Good boy “Li’l Barr-Barr”! You’ve been White House trained by Donnie himself so you can stay, as long as you don't betray your master and you keep your personal droppings on the papers provided... and more importantly, not get anything on him, as the president will disavow any evidence of your existence or the smell that lingers from his shoe, after he kicks you to the street.

  2. Hey Donnie; watch your step... although it's probably too late, as you have stepped in it so many times, there's probably no need to worry anymore! Besides, you'll never get rid of that smell... it's who you are... and how you will be remembered, long after you are gone.

  3. Hey Donnie... total exoneration... really? Looks like the poop is on you,,, and if the poop fits, wear it! It seems to fit you well.
