Friday, April 19, 2019

My view... 2019-04-19-0002


  1. For those of you too afraid to look... it sure looks like it's permanent to me. SAD!

  2. Hopefully, covering it up will get rid of that really bad smell... hopefully. But until then or until we get rid of the problem, (remember to vote), all we can do is hold our breath.

  3. It is our "collusion" that this "obstruction" is not a "conspiracy" but may be terminal to the health of this presidency... one can only hope!

  4. It looks like Trump's stoolies won't be of any help with his obstruction problem, as I'm sure they will betray him, in the end, with their non budging, stinking, B.S. lies.

  5. Maybe somebody from Puerto Rico can toss Donnie a roll of toilet paper... but from the size of his obstruction problem, he's going to need a lot more than one roll. Hey Donnie, check your shoe!
