Wednesday, January 2, 2019

My view... 2019-01-02-0001


  1. Another year of Trump! So much for wishing everybody a Happy New Year... SAD!

  2. Talk about a win-win... Donnie inside his own wall... that will definitely "Make America Great Again"!

  3. Now this is what "GoFundMe" is for... or like Donnie likes to say; "OtherPeoplesMoney"! Putting your money where his mouth is... or you could just donate it directly to his soon to be, all new, Trump Charities and let Donnie pay for his wall... that is if there's any money left after all that administrative, "family" overhead. Remember America, you're not going to be suckers anymore... especially when you put your trust in the Trump Crime Family! Build that wall! "GoFundDonnie"! Build that wall! And don't forget who's going to pay for it? YOU ARE! And just keep repeating; I'm not a sucker anymore!
