Monday, December 31, 2018

My view... 2018-12-31-0001


  1. Nothing captured the essence of the Trump presidency, in 2018, more than this years winning cartoon. As seen above, this cartoon encapsulates America's balding, baby king, bounding up the stairs to his plane, heading out of Washington to one of his bigly, base rallies, while even a bungling bumbershoot attempt and B.S. clinging toilet paper can't stop him from getting out of town. Like they say, a picture is worth a thousand words or in Donald's case... only the best words... and the most terrific, best words ever, by any president... EVER! Thank you, Mr. President, for making my job so easy and enjoyable - ema kitsune

  2. Donald J. Trump, President 2018... WINNING,(?)!!! Well, he can chalk this cartoon up in the win column... as at least, that's something he's accomplished.

  3. Charmin, soft as this baby's behind and so "B.S." absorbent... Donnie never leaves home without it!

  4. As we can see, Donnie obviously never leaves the bathroom without it... although it does make it easier to find him when he goes astray.
