Saturday, March 1, 2025

My view... 2025-03-01-0001



  1. Hey, "Li'l J.D.", do us all a favor and flush that toilet and no matter how many times it takes, keep on flushing and when "Li'l Donnie" finally goes down, jump in after him and let us all get back to the America, we love and care about, the America before Trump...!

  2. Poor "Li'l J.D." really stepped in it, this time... but when you're behind and as close to "Li'l Donnie as Vance is, you're going to be stepping in it a lot...!

  3. And, as many times as J.D. steps in it, he's certain to slip up...!

  4. It looks like "Li'l Donnie" went through 6 underpants during his attack on President Zelenskyy and the old man still couldn't control himself... and "Li'l J.D." was right there behind him, to step in it, too...!

  5. Like "Li'l J.D." says, the view from behind "Li'l Donnie" is great. if you like how he craps on people... "butt", the smell isn't always that great...!

  6. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is ambushed by a couple of low life toilet dwellers in the White House, as Trump and Vance sink to a new, never before seen low in American history... but what did you expect from a convicted felon, wannabe mob boss and his little loser, not ready for prime-time hitman...! MAGA Americans and gutless Republicans should be so proud of their actions...!
