Friday, January 10, 2025

My view... 2025-01-10-0001



  1. You've made it, "Li'l Donnie", into the history books, (if they're still allowed in the future), as forever remembered as The First "CONVICTED FELON" President of the United States of America...! Your parents would have been so proud that you finally became the LOSER they always feared you would become...!

  2. Please use the convicted felon's entrance in the "rear"...! Isn't that what "Li'l Donnie" would have said to his cellmate, if he had gone to prison,,,? Maybe, he can still say it to "Li'l Elon" or Leon or whoever that is who is always hanging around him...!

  3. CAPEESH...? "Li'l Donnie" must have picked that up from an illegal Italian immigrant that was living in Queens, New York, while Trump was growing up... or maybe, more than likely, from one of his :Mob" associates...!

  4. Yeah... please use the convicted felon's entrance in the rear, as you have already imbarassed yourself and America beyond redemptiom, as only a MORON and a real LOSER could...!

  5. Donald John Trump, who started his life as a loser, has been working his entire life to be the biggest, greatest loser ever, is close to attaining his goal, as he comes to the end of an illustrious life filed with major milestones of losing, becoming America's number one loser of all time. Congrtulations "Li'l Donnie", you've made it, as you will go down in history as America's Greatest LOSER...! (Yea, clap-clap...)

  6. Yeah, CAPEESH... that's tough guy Mob talk if I ever heard it... and coming from "Li'l Donnie", the "Don" of MAGA, it's almost enough to scare a baby and make it cry, so don't mess with Trump... CAPEESH...!
