Thursday, November 21, 2024

My view... 2024-11-21-0001



  1. Hey Kristi... leg up, don't shoot and remember, there's...
    No place with Nome...
    No place with Nome...
    No place with Nome...!

  2. It looks like that puppy has his own concepts of a plan for retribution on Kristi "puppy killer" Nome, as he's giving it his best "shot"...!

  3. Yep... there's nothing scarier than Kristi Nome, dressed as a scarecrow, in a corn field, unless she's totin' a loaded shotgun, while stalking little puppies at a gravel pit... or stalking innocent people in her Homeland Security "perverted, (shoot now, ask later), duties"...!

  4. Forget about Trump's flying monkys, as you need to watch out for RFK Jr.'s flying worms... and you say, that will be the day when worms fly... but, if I were you, I would keep at least one eye on the sky and your ears covered...!

  5. And, the crap keeps flowing into Trump's second term, as crap seems to attract crap... a.k.a., the story of Trump's life, in a toilet bowl, for all to see...! Crap in and crap out... and don't forget to flush, as many times as it takes...🧻🚽 🧻...!

  6. What are the MAGA Republicans trying to hide by not releasing their own internal reports or doing F.B.I. background investigations on Trump's cabinet picks, as it's more like pedophiles, sexual perverts and rapists... OH MY...! But, I guess, as does their dear, convicted felon, leader, so does his followers... as the crap doesn't fall very far from the crapper...! Although, in "Li'l Donnie's" case, most of it sticks to him, inside his full diaper...!

  7. So, all that puppy has to do to go back home, (to a normal America, again), to get away from Kristi is to repeat, three times, there's "No place with Nome", while peeing on her...! Where's the line for that...?

  8. So, are you saying that the "yellow" brick road is not really gold... but pee...? Now this "Li'l Donnie" movie is starting to make sense...!

  9. That little puppy knows exactly what Kristi Nome deserves... and Toto too...!

  10. That yellow brick road is rather fitting for America's number 1 "Gold Brick" swindler, "Li'l Donnie"...!
