Wednesday, February 21, 2024

My view... 2024-02-21-0001



  1. The MAGA "Russiapublicans" are alive and well in the G.O.P., as they've chosen where they stand...! Now, it's time to show them the door, this election... or wait for Putin to show them the window, once they realize their mistake in backing him...!

  2. When it comes to supporting the MAGA "Russiapublicans"... 🏀 nothing but "nyet"...!

  3. WOW...! It looks like Coach Jordan has dropped the ball again...! At least it's not like he dropped the soap in the shower... but hopefully Karma will take care of that, in the future...!

  4. It looks like "Li'l Donnie" is going to need to freshen up his lipstick... again...!

  5. It also looks like "Li'l Donnie" knows exactly where to plant his flag...!

  6. Coach Jordan always keeps his "soap on a rope" when he hits the showers, as he has been there and has seen what happens when you drop your soap and tries to pick it up...!

  7. Look...! "Li'l Donnie" is planting his flag where the sun don't shine, hoping to stake his claim to this prime "piece" territory...!

  8. Yep... Captain Vladie is going to put Coach Jordan in charge of picking up the soap in the showers, as it's time for some Karma for America's number 1 A-Hole...!
