Wednesday, July 5, 2023

My view... 2023-07-05-0001



  1. So, after the news broke about cocaine being found in the White House... Junior finally remembered what he forgot... a.k.a., "a mind is a terrible thing to waste"...!

  2. Remember, Junior paid good money, from Daddy's supporters, for his cocaine so, of course, he wants his coke back... spoken like a true addict. Besides, Kimberly doesn't share... so please help Junior in his hour of need...!

  3. Junior likes Flexi Straws, because he doesn't have to bend over all the time... and they come in colors...!

  4. Junior also likes to use Flexi Straws for "boofing"... a trick Brett Kavanaugh taught him...!
    (Note: Boofing straws should only be used once, as you never know where they've been.)

  5. Junior forgot his number one rule:

    1. Coke... don't leave the White House without it...!
    2. Stupid is, as stupid does...!
