Saturday, December 24, 2022

My view... 2022-12-24-0001



  1. Note: The numbers on the wall chart, at this police lineup, are not for individual height estimates... but in this case, for their individual age and maturity estimates, when dealing with this family of morons... or maybe, it's just an indication of their individual I.Q. scores. And, as we see, "Li'l Donnie" stands far and above his children, (or at least fractions above), as the stable genius of his family...!

  2. Remove that dead critter or whatever it is on the head of "Li'l Donnie" and he's probably measures up to being the dumbest of the bunch... but then, again, it's probably too close to call, as morons tend not to drop too far from the family tree...!

  3. Unlike Pinocchio's nose, do the Trump's tongues get longer every time they tell a lie...?
