Saturday, May 28, 2022

My view... 2022-05-28-0001



  1. Notice how the red color of The Trumpinator blends with the color of the school, as if it is not even there. That's a Ted Cruz original, design idea. And, who says he doesn't care...? The man is a freakin' genius...!

  2. Maybe, someday, 18 year olds will be able to buy their own Enforcement Droids... or if they live in Texas, buy one or even two, now...!

  3. Enforcements Droids... N.R.A. certified, Trump approved...! Don't leave home without one...!

  4. "Li'l Donnie Jr." has his own Enforcement Droid he uses for hunting and loves its ability to make fresh hamburger, without the need for field dressing your kill... allowing him more time to enjoy hunting and killing things...!

  5. "Li'l Donnie Jr." like to use his Enforcement Droid to cover him, while he is baiting his next kill...!

  6. Enforcement Droids, the perfect birthday gift for your 18 year old...!

  7. These N.R.A. certified and approved Enforcement Droids, just like our ever popular AR-15s, are guaranteed to kill, even if you're not a hunter... just pull the trigger and watch the random carnage and mayhem unfold before your very eyes...! Just ask a "real" hunter, like "Li'l Donnie Jr."...!

  8. The Republican solution is their "Final Solution" for children...!
