Thursday, March 3, 2022

My view... 2022-03-03-0001



  1. Ivanka: Daddy, you told me Uncle Vladimir like flowers.

    Trump: Don't worry, we can blame one of your brothers.

    Junior: Daddy, don't blame me, as Uncle Vladimir already hates me because of my "sinus" problem.

    Trump: But that only leaves Eric and didn't God say something about hurting stupid people...?

    Ivanka and Junior: Don't ask us, you're the religious expert in our family... the one who knows all the verses.

    Trump: O.K., Eric did it... but if we all cast the first stones, together, then maybe, Vlad won't be mad at the rest of us and we will be on his good side, again.

    Eric: Hey, what are you guys talking about...?

    Trump: decided to let you take all the credit for bringing your Uncle Vladimir his money.

    Eric: Gee Daddy, you really care. Thanks a lot Pops...!

    [Note: And that was the last anyone has heard from or seen Eric.]

  2. Didn’t all of us already suspect this connection between Putin and the Trumps existed…?

  3. This cartoon is confusing, as this looks like one of those "Trees of Mystery" buildings, where you walk in one end and you look very big... and then you walk to the other end and you look very small. [Note: "Li'l Vlad" is really a tiny, small man... he is getting smaller every day... regardless of where he is standing...!
