Monday, February 28, 2022

My view... 2022-02-28-0001



  1. The Russian people must be very proud of their vindictive, evil, lying "War Lord"...! Very proud or very stupid...! Actually, they’re just controlled, like “Li’l Donnie” tries to control his followers, although Putin does it a whole lot better or worse, depending on how you look at it. Hopefully, the stupid ones will start seeing the light, before it’s too late.

  2. t's time for "Li'l Vlad" to retire, before he havocs more devastation on Ukraine... and ultimately destroys his own country, Russia, with his complete incompetence. He has stolen enough from Russia, and the Russian people, in his twenty corrupt years controlling his country, to enrich himself. The Russian people need to show him the door... and the sooner, the better...!
