Friday, August 13, 2021

My view... 2021-08-13-0001



  1. They're coming to take me away, Ha ha, they're coming to take me away, Ho ho, hee hee, ha ha, To the funny farm Where I am President all the time And they're coming to take me AWAY, HA HAAAAA... Thank you Jerry Samuels/Napoleon XIV. In 1966, you must have seen this coming.

  2. ... and they said that he would never return... no, he'd never return. He's the man who would never return...!

  3. Now this is really "Shining" a light on "The Cuckoo's Nest" that "Li'l Donnie" is living in...!

  4. Rum Junior... run Ivanka... run Eric... RUN... HIDE... RUN...! Your father is crazy... he wants to kill all of us. RUN...!

  5. Hey Melania... maybe you should run, as "Li'l Donnie' Junior, Ivanka and Eric are all Trumps... and you and the rest of us aren't... and you know who they really care about...!

  6. Just like in "The Shining", Donald Jr. is heading for the first big pile of "snow" he can hide in...!
