Friday, January 1, 2021

My view... 2021-01-01-0001



  1. Where's "Li'l Mikey" Pence... I thought for sure he would be first in line to kiss Trump goodbye. Maybe he has to ask his mother first... "butt", it's not like he's kissing another women... he's just doing the same old thing he has been doing for the last four years and she didn't seem to mind then.

  2. It's a new year "butt"... the same old year end, rear end staring us in the face, again, "butt" not for long, as it's almost time for "Li'l Donnie" to drag his "butt" out of here, for good, as he can kiss his ass goodbye, once and for all...!

  3. ... or in other words, don't let the door hit ya, where the good Lord split ya, on your way out...!
