Sunday, November 22, 2020

My view... 2020-11-22-0001



  1. See, if you didn’t care about the coronavirus, you could be out golfing too! Oh well, at least “The Trump Vaccine” is on the way… and soon, “The Trump-45 Virus” will be gone.

  2. Come on... give "Li'l Donnie a break...! It's his last chance to get America to pick up the tab for all his golf outings at his golf courses, as he is soon to be out of a job and out of money...!

  3. IN THE HOLE...! Talk about in the hole... especially, now that Trump's creditors will be coming. RUN Donnie, (if you can), RUN...!

  4. O.K., WADDLE Donnie, (if you can... and be careful of those ramps), WADDLE...!
