Sunday, January 26, 2020

My view... 2020-01-26-0001


  1. Looking for that non-existing “Bad Biden” cookie in an Ukrainian cookie jar, "Li'l Donnie" and his friends come up empty handed. So, I guess it's time they turn up the heat on the old Trump "lying/conspiracy" oven, once more and see what they can cook up... because when there's nothing there to begin with, just make stuff up, "Li'l Donnie" style and try to fool all of the people, all of the time... or some of the people, some of the time... or somebody, anybody, at least once! Trump lying/conspiracy "Bad Biden" cookies only $9.95 each, available at Trump.con.

  2. Too many hands in the cookie jar...? It looks like they all got caught! GOTCHA!
