Tuesday, May 14, 2019

My view... 2019-05-14-0001


  1. Oh yeaaah! So much for drinking the Kool-Aid, when there's Trump-Aid around. America's choice? More like the choice of losers! Oh well, the more you drink, the more you believe… CHEERS!

  2. Drink up Trumpsters... it will all be over before you know it... and if you're lucky, you will only have one heck of a headache to deal with, as the rest of us try to clean up the huge mess Donnie leaves behind.

  3. There's nothing "Kool" about Trump-Aid. Come on people... just say NO... and then go get some help! It's never too late to do the right thing. Remember; "be best", you can do it!

  4. Trump-Aid; the right choice... the far right choice... the alt-right choice? SAD America... really, really SAD!
