Saturday, November 10, 2018

My view... 2018-11-10-0001


  1. Our disappointing president never fails to disappoint... BIGLY! Besides, it probably would have turned into another bad hair day for him.

  2. WOW! Is that a big drip (slang, circa 1950's) or what? And yes... I'm talking about our pathetic, disgusting big drip "Li'l Donnie", America's poor excuse for ____________________, (you fill in the blank) and note that there is more than one possible answer or combination of answers. Please feel free to attach additional answers, if more space is needed.

  3. ... and Mr. Trump couldn't even drag himself away from his "Fox and Friends" and breakfast burgers, long enough, to go to Arlington National Cemetery on Veteran's Day... thus dishonoring the fallen and our country. As a veteran (1965-1969), who lost three of my high school friends in Vietnam, I honor their memory every day for the ultimate sacrifice they gave to America. As for Mr. Trump... there's nothing to honor, as he is a disgrace to himself, a disgrace as president and a disgrace to America. The only saving grace, is that he will eventually be gone... and that his memory will never be honored. Better days are coming and America will be great again... after Mr. Trump is gone.
