Sunday, September 11, 2016

My view... 2016-09-11-0001

1 comment:

  1. "Ukraine's (America's) most pressing international challenge will be to manage the relationship with Vladimir Putin's Russia. Putin strongly backed Yanukovich (Trump), and Russian-led election monitors attested to his victory in the first runoff (primaries). Putin spent four days in the week before the first-round vote promoting Yanukovich (Trump) in lengthy press interviews and public meetings. Kremlin image-makers played a crucial role in advising and directing the Yanukovich (Trump) campaign, and the Yushchenko (Clinton) camp believes Russia spent several hundred million dollars to help Yanukovich (Trump) win. Yushchenko's (Clinton's)victory is thus a humiliating defeat for Putin and a setback for Russia's hegemonic inclinations." Is history repeating itself? This was an excerpt from an article by Adrian Karatnycky on Ukraine's "Orange Revolution", with substitutions, made in (parenthesis), to highlight some of the strange similarities about the Trump campaign, his Russian advisers and his Russian business connections... but then again, I don't know for sure... but I have heard some people say... again, I don't know, you tell me.
