Sunday, July 15, 2012

My view... 2012-07-15-0001

1 comment:

  1. Two roads diverged... and Mr. Romney's choice will make all the difference. It's amazing to hear Mitt calling The President of the United States a liar, for asking for clarification on the conflicting statements that Mitt has made to the American people and the press and on signed documents sworn to and submitted to state and U.S. Government agencies. If, Mr Romney, there truly is nothing to hide, then, at least stop the perception of trying to hide it. Be a man, as it were... your father set the standard... follow his lead. In his memory, make him proud. What is there to be affraid of? The truth...? Americans expect more from their President, while it seems you only expect more for yourself, while only pandering to those you feel are below you. The truth... hey Mitt, we can handle the truth... can you?
